Friday, November 6, 2009

Back in the AD!

So it's been a month since my last post and I am now back in Abu Dhabi.  This trip has started off with a bang.  Within a day of arriving, I received keys to our new house and to our new car.  It was a pleasant surprise to say the least.  What does that mean?  Well, I am in a hotel for 1 week to give me a chance to go spend money and attempt to fill the house with things that Jill will agree with.  Harder than it sounds.  Especially when she's never seen the house, or had to go shopping for furniture before.

So, I've resorted to buying the bare bones minimum, which has included to date:
- Washer
- Dryer
- Dishwasher
- Oven
- Fridge
- Microwave
- Bed set
- Couch set
- Dining room table and chairs
- TV
- Playstation 3 (yes this is a necessity)

There's still a lot left to do but I'm going to hold out until Jill gets out here to let her do the home decorator thing :)

I have posted pictures of the house here  The yard is obviously sand right now, but we will be getting this landscaped with grass and irrigation.  And...If anyone is wondering, I have not tried the pool out yet.  I plan on doing that when I move in permanently.

As for what else I've done in two days, I decided to go hit golf balls at the driving range today on the golf course next to the house.  What an awesome course!  If anyone is interested, here it is.  It cost about 25 dollars today to hit unlimited balls but it was worth it to go see the course.  We inquired about memberships and they said they do not have any openings right now and maybe not till next year.  Just for giggles we asked how much a membership is and they told us the first year is about $10,000 and each year after it's about $6,000.  WOW!  I think I'll be happy paying the $150 per round :)

Anyway, that's about it for now.  Tomorrow will be a great day of buying dishes and pots and other household stuff.  I'll update next week some time.

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